The most important issue in life is to be in a right relationship with your creator, the living God. It is more important than family, friends, work or leisure. It will determine how you live this life, and where you spend the next.
The Bible is the Word of God to humanity and it tells us that God is totally perfect and we have all fallen short of his standard. Sin is not reaching this standard. It is departing from Him and His way.
God cannot have sin in His presence. This means that no-one can be in the presence of God and live because of our sinful state. Nevertheless, God desired reconciliation and relationship with men and women but the problem of sin had to be resolved.
God provided a wonderful solution. A just God required that all sin had to be punished and justice demanded the punishment of sin through death. But, rather than that sentence falling upon us who are sinners, He provided His Son to pay the penalty.
“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23
“… your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God” Isaiah 59:2
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given …” Isaiah 9:6
About 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, walked this earth. He lived a totally sinless life before God, healed many people and taught the truth of God; but He was hated because of this. So strong was their hatred that they put Him to death on a cross.
What seemed to be a random series of occurrences was actually God working the greatest event this earth has ever seen and will ever see. There on the cross God’s wrath against sin was directed upon Jesus. The sentence of death that was due to us as sinners was borne by Him instead. But God had not finished His plan as another great event was about to take place.
God showed he had completely dealt with sin by raising Him from the dead on the third day and because Jesus was sinless, dying on the cross meant that the penalty for sin was paid in full for all those who call out to Jesus to save them
The life Jesus lived and the death that He died completely satisfied God and so three days after He died, He rose again. God had totally dealt with sin and provided new life for all who believe.
Have you come before God and acknowledged that you have fallen short of God’s perfect standard? Are you willing to confess that Jesus’ sacrifice is the only way of dealing with your own personal sin? Have you given up your sin and looked to God for help?
Are you prepared to let Jesus Christ take control of your life?
God has revealed the depths of His love to give us all hope, depths that man cannot fathom.
“… if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 (ESV)
Texts taken from English Standard Version (ESV)