Author Archive: felthamadmin
General Election 2017
The occurrence of the General Election in 2017 on June 8th necessitates that we, as Christians, focus on our responsibilities towards the government of the country. Basic Principles It is important that we are initially aware of some of the “non-negotiables” that prevail upon us as believers. We are:- To acknowledge that all government is […]
Continue ReadingThe LORD’S Day
Should Sunday be a special day or should all days be treated the same? Should we keep the Sabbath or has that requirement passed away with the coming of Jesus? What services and fellowship times should we attend at church on a Sunday? These are just three of the questions which may be raised in […]
Continue ReadingChurch Life
People desire to get involved with the life of a church for various reasons. Some do so because they feel they should do something for God. Others feel that if they are helping in a church it will make them to be esteemed in the local community, and there are many other reasons. However, as […]
Continue ReadingThe Devil
The devil is real. Let us not be deceived, he is a real being. He is seen on the pages of scripture from Genesis 3, when he tempted Eve, until Revelation 20, when he is sent to his eternal destiny; the lake of fire. The devil has an innumerable number of angels operating under his […]
Continue ReadingKnowing God Through Personal Devotions
Our Saviour said I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10b). But what is at the heart of this life which our Saviour introduces us into? It is knowing God. Accordingly, our Saviour when speaking to His Father says “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, […]
Continue ReadingThoughts on Prayer
What Is Prayer? In one word what would you say prayer is? Prayer is………….relationship (1). It is about speaking to our Father and our Saviour through the Spirit. It is about a shared relationship. So the pattern (disciples’) prayer starts, “Our Father” (Matt. 6:9b). And the term “Father” really matters. A truly good father cares […]
Continue ReadingEuthanasia
“Assisted Suicide”, “Living Wills”, “Death with Dignity” and “Mercy Killing” are all terms with which are becoming increasingly familiar. Euthanasia is very much an issue which is on the public agenda. The showing on TV on 10th December 2008 of the death of Craig Ewert who arranged for his own pre-planned death to be recorded, […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is Our Lord Jesus Doing Today?
We, as Christians, tend to think of the past and future in respect of our Saviour. As regards the past we focus upon the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of our Lord. In respect of the future we think of our Saviour returning to bless His people and judge this earth. But what of the […]
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